I received an email message this morning from Amy, a colleague in Raleigh, NC.  Amy & I have been corresponding on an issue for which I often help colleagues around the country. This email from her this morning closed with “Have a great day – and a blessed Easter weekend!”  She usually closed her email with “Blessings”. 

So, I wrote to her about the amazing group of praying colleagues & friends God has provided to me.  I told her we’re willing to pray for any/everything.  She offered a prayer of joy that she’s been kept on through two expected layoffs because someone else chose to leave (someone who would have been kept on).  This time, she’ll begin on May 1 to drive 35 minutes to another town. She wrote “since you offered, can you remember me in your prayers for safety on my new drive on the high way each day?”  Well, you know me.  There’s a tickler on my calendar beginning the Monday of that week.

(By the way, gentle reader, feel free to comment in order to request prayer.  We love to pray!) 

And just now, another of my prayerful colleagues, Shirley (in the Atlanta area), sent this and it reminds me that Easter is this coming Sunday: 

March jonquil


I’ll look when I get home this evening to see if our jonquils have poked their new life above the soil of my northern Midwestern environs, but I’m doubtful!

Everpresent Energy,

You are always in motion.  This morning, I’ve had many emails that remind me of your perpetual creation.  I adore you.  You ARE amazing!

Loving Light,

You clearly want my attention.  Here I am, focused on you and the beauty of your creation.

Lord, I pray today for Amy.  Let her use her 35 minute commute starting May 1st to commune with you.  Make her car her monastery, and keep her eyes on the road and her heart on you.  Let her know true peace and clarity as she travels.  Let her rejoice in the knowledge that she will have 70 minutes each day to spend time with you.

I bring Susan to you.  Keep her well and happy as she and Matt travel to Peoria to spend Easter with her parents.  Give Matt and Susan the chance to show Susan’s parents how good this coupling is, how it is your plan that they be together.  Help Susan’s parents take comfort in this knowledge.  I pray too, Lord, that you will make manifest the way for Sarah to come to the wedding.  Let us be your conduits for this, Lord.


people praying

I pray for all those putting their lives on the line in statements of justice and peace.  As they act on their knowledge of your plan for love, harmony, your peaceable kingdom, may they know true peace

I bring Lindsey to you. I’m excited that she’ll be back with us for Easter.  Your enthusiasm shows through this saint, Lord.  We welcome her back to us as we will commemorate the welcoming of Jesus’ presence back to his disciples on Easter.  It is such a glorious and happy time, Lord.  I barely can wait for it.

Abundant Affirmer,

I think of all my colleagues and friends and family who are part of my group of prayerful saints.  I am grateful for Shirley and Janice, Jon and Pat, Chuck and Lisa, Thea and Susan and Lindsey.  I know you made them all, just as you want them.  I am grateful.  Thank you for all this and more.  I love you so much.

I pray in Jesus’ holy name,


To God be the glory!

Melissa Pazen © 2013

Live Inspired:  pray continually; think boldly; dare greatly; love unconditionally; act deliberately, kindly, justly, mercifully and humbly; forgive easily; laugh frequently!